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German Word Order with Time Elements

What do you do with time in a German sentence? Where does it go? Does it always have to go in the same place? This lesson explains.

If you want to learn how to tell time in German, click here. 

Where does time belong in a German sentence? 

There are really only two options for placement of the time element. Either is goes right after the verb before the direct object or first in the sentence. For example: 

Montags arbeite ich nicht gern. - 
Mondays, I don’t like to work.

Am Dienstag schreibt er einen Brief. - 
On Tuesday, he is writing a letter.

Was machst du am Mittwoch?
What are you doing on Wednesday?

Wir suchen donnerstags neue Bücher.
We look Thursdays for new books.

Am Freitag rede ich mit meinem Chef.
On Friday, I am talking with my boss.

Das Restaurant bietet sonnabends Rinderbraten an.
The restaurant offers roast beef on Saturdays.

Ich besuche am Sonntag eine Kirche.
I am attending a church on Sunday.

If you didn’t pick up on it in the previous sentences, when you put the time element behind the verb, it usually precedes the direct object. To show you a few more of these, I’ll introduce you to a few other time words that I haven’t used yet.

Ich esse heute Pizza.
I am eating pizza today.

Ich esse morgen eine Bratwurst.
I am eating a bratwurst tomorrow.

Wir sehen heute Abend einen Film.
We are watching a film tonight.

Bringst du morgen früh Kaffee?
Are you bringing coffee tomorrow morning?

Meine Kinder spielen diese Woche Fußball.
My children are playing soccer this week.

Meine Familie reist nächsten Monat nach Chicago.
My family is traveling to Chicago next month.

Mein Bruder trinkt jeden Tag zwei Liter Wasser.
My brother drinks two liters of water every day.

Learn more about time and numbers with these lessons!

Numbers 1-100

Big German Numbers

Telling Time

Word Order with Time 

How to Read and Write Dates



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