Herr Antrim's Blog

Meine Morgenroutine | Essential German Phrases for A1 German Learners

In this German listening/reading comprehension lesson, you will learn essential German phrases for beginners with regards to your morning routine. Was machst du am Morgen?


Mein Wecker...

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The Most Awesome German Compound Nouns

Some words are just better in German. Today I’m going to teach you my personal favorite German words and explain why you should love them, too.

Compound Nouns That are Greater than the sum...

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Talking about DC Comics Characters in German - B1 German Listening Comprehension

Willkommen zu meiner Lektion über Superhelden-Vokabeln auf Deutsch! In dieser Lektion werde ich dir einige der bekanntesten Superhelden und Schurken vorstellen und ihre Fähigkeiten...

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Giving Your Opinion in German - B1 German Listening Comprehension

This German listening/reading comprehension exercise shows how you might express your opinion in German. There are a variety of phrases that you can use when giving your opinion in German. See if...

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Bist du mit deinem Job zufrieden? - B1 German Listening Comprehension

In this listening/reading comprehension lesson you will learn how to talk about job satisfaction in German. This also includes a bit about how to describe your job aspirations in German.

A: Sag...

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How to Complain in German in a Variety of Situations - B1 German Listening Comprehension

Hallo, Deutschlerner! In dieser Lektion werde ich einige Hörverständnisübungen durchführen, die dir dabei helfen werden, deine Fähigkeit zu verbessern, auf Deutsch eine...

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German Restaurant Conversation

This lesson is broken up into two separate German listening/reading comprehension lessons set in a restaurant. You can read the text below the video or watch the video for each of the lessons...

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German Phases to Use When You Don't Understand German

This lesson is broken up into two parts. Both of them are meant to teach you phrases you can use when you are speaking German, but you don't understand something.

First, there is a lesson aimed at...

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Getting Directions in German

In this listening/reading comprehension lesson you will learn a variety of phrases Germans commonly use when giving directions in German. 

A lot of the phrases in this lesson use the command...

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Essential German Phrases for Travelers

You’ve always dreamed of visiting Germany – strolling through the historic streets of Berlin,
exploring the fairytale castles of Bavaria, or simply ordering your coffee from a local...

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German Words That Sound Dirty But Aren't

I have wanted to make this lesson for a very long time. I teach German at a high school in the United States. Every year there are certain words that the students come across and they have to...

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Telling Time in German

In this German lesson, we’ll explore all the ways Germans tell time, from the basics to brain busting. Get ready to uncover the mysteries of German time-telling and learn things that might...

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